“One Less Child” a gentle reminder that other species need room on the Earth too

A full size image of very detailed art

Inspired by the impact of human population on the extinction of other species, the idea for a “One Less Child” tee shirt came from Nan Sea's environmentalist husband after they saw a digital read out showing how rapidly human babies are being born. Right beside the readout was another digital readout showing how many primate species are rapidly diminishing in numbers, victims of loss of habitat.

Available as a 100% organic cotton tee shirt design to remind veiwers that each child has an effect on the Earth. To learn more go to the Center for Biological Diversity

Both the artist, Nan Sea Love, and her husband chose not to have children because of their concern and encourage others to adopt or foster children or homeless animals, as they do.

This painting is very detailed as all Nan Sea's art is click on art to see full size.

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© Art Copyright Nan Sea Love 2005. All rights reserved. 10% all profits gratefully donated to animals and/or environmental causes.