Vegan Voices Grassroots Activism In Sonoma County. Go Vegan for All of Life

Healthy Nutrition  |  The Environmental Crisis  |  Animal Suffering  |  Useful Links  |  Join Us  |  Events

Vegan Voices has evolved to:
Please visit their site today!

  • Feeling sluggish? Ready to shed a few pounds?
  • Concerned about your long-term health,
  • Environmental Pollution, or Animal Suffering?

Then your ready for
Northbay Vegan Dinner Club

Have you felt isolated by your deep, heartfelt concerns for suffering factory farm animals and the Earth? Do you want to eat a more healthful diet but don't know where to start? Do something!
Join us today to make a difference tomorrow.

Learn about the three main issues of factory farming!

Educate yourself, family and friends and get involved with other local, like-minded individuals in the Sonoma county area who are thriving on a vegan diet. We have talented, well-informed, and passionate speakers available for your school or club event. We have fun; pot-lucks, recipe exchanges, great literature, a lending library of books, videos, CD's, DVD's plus caring new friends. If you need it, you will have understanding and knowledgeable friends to support you and your family in your commitment to healthy eating. Membership is free and you do not need to live in Sonoma County to join.


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Healthy Nutrition  |  The Environmental Crisis  |  Animal Suffering  |  Useful Links  |  Join Us