Vegan Voices Grassroots Activism In Sonoma County. Go Vegan for All of Life

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Who We Are

Vegan Voices no longer exists but a new and improved group has evolved:
Northbay Vegan Dinner Club

Founded in 2004, we are a small educational group of Sonoma County vegans. We are dedicated to raising awareness about the benefits of a vegan diet to you and your loved ones health, the environment, and animals. We have hosted two delicious and very successful Thanksgiving potlucks at the New College in Santa Rosa and had information tables at various exciting events around the county. While there are many compelling animal-related problems in the world, we focus specifically on factory farming. It is estimated that nine billion animals are killed each year to feed the meat-eating habit. Please join us to make a better world for ourselves, the Earth, and the animals

What We Offer

What makes us unique is we offer the support of other local, like-minded individuals who are thriving on a vegan diet. We have talented, well-informed, and passionate speakers available for your school or club event. We have fun; pot-lucks, recipe exchanges, lots of great literature, a lending library of books, videos, CD's, DVD's plus caring new friends. If you need it, you will have understanding and knowledgeable friends to support you and your family in your commitment to healthy eating. Membership is free and you do not need to live in Sonoma County to join.

What Can You Do?

Click here for a Free Vegetarian Starter Kit from Please consider joining us if you have a little time or skill to offer this worthy cause. Email us at and briefly let us know:

  1. How you feel about veganism/vegetarianism.
  2. Are you are currently a vegan or vegetarian?
  3. What do you have to offer? For instance can you:
    • Hand out flyers
    • Place literature in libraries
    • Maintain a “Free Vegan Information” magazine stand
    • Host a vegan potluck
    • Organize events
    • Graphic design
    • Research
    • Web design (please!)
    • Your special talent
Thank you! And have a healthy, compassionate day—Go Vegan!

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